
by CADbloke

Patterns. It's all about patterns, predictable patterns.
And Rules, predictable Rules.
Patterns and Rules convey meaning.
Build meaning into your cable numbers.
Interpretation is lossy and leads to misinterpretation.
Random numbers are BullShit. You may as well Numberwang it.Build the One Version of the Truth and keep it True.


Ok, here is an example. A Device is...
- in Rack 3-14
- at RU 15
- it's a switch and the cable is on ETH 9/26
---- How about Cable Number 31415926 ? Easy as Pi.
- 314 : rrr, the numbers from the rack
- 15   : uu, the RU in the rack
- 926 : xxx, the switch port
- that's your rule: rrruuxxx
But a cable has 2 ends, how do you determine the "owner" of the cable number? Arm-wrestle. It's your judgement-call. Generally I grant ownership to...
- the Device that is further up the heirarchy
- video jackfields, those numbers make good patterns
- structured cabling - nice patterns and improves traceability
Rules were made to be broken
Nobody is calling the cops. Just make sure the numbers are unique and meaningful. Don't waste your opportunity to make everybody's life easier.
Yes, unique.
The cable number is its unique identifier. Nah, single-digit cables in a self-contained rack where you can see both ends of the cable won't kill anyone, it's a rule and any mediocre lawyer will get you off.
While we're talking meaningfulness, if you call a device "Computer 1" I may hurt you. You may as well call it Nigel. Make an effort, please. And don't go calling it different things in different documentation systems. I mean it.

If you are reading this then I haven't written this bit yet.
So, um ... More Coming Soon !


or send me an email
My name is Ewen and I am at around the Internets.


There is NO AI on this web site, nor in any email I write.
If I couldn't be bothered writing it, why should you bother reading it?
Typos were sent here to test us all. Sorry Dr Ros.